Englischsprachige Beiträge

[A-Radio in English] Berlin: Anarchosyndicalist struggle in vegan pizzeria

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a member of the anarchosyndicalist union FAU in Berlin. Until very recently he was involved in a worker’s struggle concerning the dismissal of two workers from a vegan Pizzeria and tells us about the background of the struggle, the methods they used and the succesful end of the campaign. Further topics are the situation of migrant workers in Berlin and the issue of self-organizing of those workers.

Length: 17:35 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Feminism and conflict resolution: the Anarchist Federation Britain and its Safer Spaces policy

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Britain about their Safer Spaces policy. In this interview she tells us about the origins of this concept, the misconceptions and popular defensive strategies and also about the actual practice and constant development of this policy that deals with conflict resolution in political structures and survivor-lead processes in case of physical abuse.

Listen to this fascinating and detailed introduction into the practical side of “Safer Spaces”.

Length: 22:06 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio Jingles] Action Day against Fortress Europe (6.2.2016)

We were asked as Anarchist Radio Berlin (aradio.blogsport.de) to support the European-wide Action Day against Fortress Europe on 6.2.2016. Therefore we produced a mobilization jingle in four different languages:

* Deutsch
* English
* Castellano
* Arabic

Jingle auf Deutsch (2:46 min)

Den deutschen Jingle könnt ihr hier herunterladen unter: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr das Audio direkt anhören:

Jingle in English (2:22 min)

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Jingle en castellano (2:43 min)

Aquí pueden bajar el audio de: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Jingle in Arabic (2:54 min)

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Mediterranean 4: The self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to the workers of the self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki, Greece.
In our interview they tell us about the origins of this factory take-over by the workers, what this had to do with experiences in Argentina and they managed to overcome financial problems. Listen to this audio also to know how to show solidarity, as Vio.me is threatened by eviction due to a planned compulsory auction of the premises.

This is Part 4 (on the self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki).

Length: 12:48 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 3 (on the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on the occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Mediterranean 3: The self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki

The following audio is a recording made by activists of the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki, Greece. This material has been made available to us by our comrades at Crna Luknja, the anarchist radio show at Radio Student in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.

The comrades of Orfanotrofeio tell about the conditions that led to squatting this place in Thessaloniki in the beginning of last December and about their struggle to keep the place despite of all obstacles.

This is Part 3 (on the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki).

Length: 5:30 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on the occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Brazil: The Passe Livre movement in Sao Paulo

The struggle for the right to the city, against the intensification of exploitation and valorization is complex and diverse. May it be people in Berlin stopping an eviction, squatting houses in Amsterdam, taking squares in Greece or fighting for free public transportation in Brazil. A state with a massive territory, huge cities and as in so many places a classist, racist and sexist division of labour that expresses itself among other ways through the public transportation system. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity to talk with an activist of the Passe Livre movement from Sao Paulo, Brazil, about their struggle.

Length: 17:04 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Mediterranean 2: Anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route

For refugees heading to Central and Northern Europe, the Balkan route has been of upmost importance. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we talked to two anarchists from Slovenia about the situation in the Balkans, their work with the refugees and the perspectives of this struggle beyond humanitarian actions.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in the Mediterranean.

This is Part 2 (on the anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route).

Length: 8:06 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on the occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Northern Europe 3: The new Anarchist Federation in Finland – Alusta

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two members of the new Anarchist Federation in Finland, Alusta. The interview was made during the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn, Estonia. The comrades tell us about the idea and the goals of the federation, the recent general strike in Finland and the political and social panorama of the country, including the rise of the far right inmidst of governmental austerity measures.

This is the last audio of this series for now. But stay tuned, we are publishing other series, for instance one on the Mediterranean area.

This is part 3 (on the Anarchist Federation in Finaland – Alusta).

Length: 27:01 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn, Estonia).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on the Musta Pispala festival in Finland).

Length: 12:14 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Mediterranean 1: The occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens

We had the opportunity of making an interview with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and importance of the Exarchia neighbourhood. They also comment on the topic of governmental (Syriza) policies and the difference of their work to such policies. And they also mention problems encountered in this project.

You can follow them also on twitter.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in the Mediterranean.

This is Part 1 (on the occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece).

Length: 12:36 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Northern Europe 2: The Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn (Estonia)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two of the organizers of this year’s Anarchist bookfair in Tallinn. We talked with them about the participants, their experiences with involving the public, but also the wider social context of Estonia.

One more interview with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Northern Europe.

This is part 2 (on the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn, Estonia).

Length: 15:06 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on the Musta Pispala festival in Finland).

Length: 12:14 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Northern Europe 1: Musta Pispala festival in Finland

We are now beginning a new series of audios on anarchism in Northern Europe. For the start we had the opportunity of making a radio show on the anarchist counterculture festival, Musta Pispala, that was organized in Pispala, Tampere, Finland, on the second weekend of July 2015. Musta Pispala was organized for the first time ten years ago and it’s idea is to bring local activist and people from all over the world together to learn and share anarchist thoughts and practices and to have good time in the beautiful neighbourhood of Pispala.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Northern Europe.

This is part 1 (on the Musta Pispala festival in Finland).

Length: 12:14 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Eastern Europe 5: Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to two comrades from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Warsaw. In this interview they talk about their work and the topic of repression in Poland.

This is the last part of our series on Eastern Europe for now. Nonetheless, it is quite probable that we continue this series in 2016. Watch out for other series coming soon!

This is Part 5 (on Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw).

Length: 20 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 4 (on anarchists and the tenants struggles in Warsaw).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 3 (on anarchism and the squats in Warsaw).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the squatted ROD garden in Warsaw).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on Poznan and the Rozbrat squat):

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Audio documentation: Undercover for State and Capital

+++ Deutsch unten +++

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of documenting a presentation organized by the magazine Cilip in Berlin with the title “Undercover for State and Capital”. Therein, Kate Wilson talked about her relationship to Mark Kennedy and Eveline Lubbes about the spying of multinationals and the Undercover Research Group. Unfortunately, due to technical problems, we could only record the first part of the presentation where Kate talks about her experiences. The presentation was held in English.

Length: 33 min

We have two versions, one with a short English introduction, one with a short German introduction. The presentation is completely in English.

Here’s the version with an introduction in English at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

++++++ Auf Deutsch +++++++++

Am 27. September 2015 haben wir als Anarchistisches Radio Berlin die Veranstaltung “Spitzeln für Staat und Kapital” des Magazins “Cilip” aufgenommen. Dabei sprach Kate Wilson über ihre Beziehung zu Mark Kennedy und Eveline Lubbers über die Spitzeleien multinationaler Konzerne und die Undercover Research Group. Auf Grund eines technischen Problems konnten wir leider nur den ersten Teil der Veranstaltung aufzeichnen, in dem Kate Wilson über ihre Erfahrungen spricht. Der Vortrag wurde auf Englisch gehalten.

Hier ist die Version mit einer Anmoderation auf Deutsch unter: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr das Audio direkt anhören:

[A-Radio in English] Eastern Europe 4: Anarchists and the tenants movement in Warsaw

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of Syrena. The main topics of this interview were the history of re-privatization through ruthless landlords and local autorithies in Warsaw like the case of the murder of the tenants activist Jolanta Brzeska in 2011 as well as the wild tenants struggles against these mechanisms and their cooperation with the anarchist movement regarding soaring rents and a small building of social housing in Warsaw. Additionally, our friend told us some interesting facts about the development of Warsaw’s city structure, especially its rebuilding in terms of communal housing under the Soviet regime.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Eastern Europe.

This is Part 4 (on anarchists and the tenants struggles in Warsaw).

Length: 35:10 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 3 (on anarchism and the squats in Warsaw).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the squatted ROD garden in Warsaw).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on Poznan and the Rozbrat squat):

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Eastern Europe 3: Anarchism in Warsaw – the Syrena and Przychodnia squats

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of Syrena. Syrena is a squat in the inner city of Warsaw and has its origins in the tenants movement. In this interview we talk about the huge amount of activities like anti-racist work, social work and anarchist activities that are getting started out of Syrena. Further we talk about the connection to the Przychodnia Squat which is located directly behind Syrena as well as about the comrade’s personal opinion of the controversial selling of the Od:zysk Squat in Poznan, which is quite an current issue in the Polish movement.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Eastern Europe.

This is Part 3 (on anarchism and the squats in Warsaw).

Length: 18:41 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 2 (on the squatted ROD garden in Warsaw).

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on Poznan and the Rozbrat squat):

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Eastern Europe 2: The squatted ROD garden in Warsaw

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to an activist who is part of a group of people squatting an allotment garden in Warsaw, Poland. In this interview, we get to know a bit of the origins of this project that started in Spring of this year. The squat itself is based on the Reclaim the fields initiative in Poland and has organized some action days a short while ago.

Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Eastern Europe.

This is Part 2.

Length: 7:54 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Part 1 (on Poznan and the Rozbrat squat):

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Eastern Europe 1: Struggles in Poland and the Rozbrat squat in Poznan

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Poznan (Poland) in the Rozbrat squat. In the following interview we talk about the historical development of the squat, that celebrated its 21st anniversary on the weekend of September 18 and 19, and also about current struggles of FA Poznan, especially the workers’ struggle of the Amazon workers in Germany and Poland.

Additionally, we were talking about a transnational meeting concerning the topic of a European-wide social strike. The meeting will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of October 2015 in Poznan. Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Eastern Europe. This is part 1.

Length: 21:35 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Anarchist Federation in Glasgow about their work, the referendum and the rise of nationalism

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to an activist of the Anarchist Federation in Glasgow (Scotland). The interview was about their local activities as well as the Scottish independence referendum and the rise of nationalism in the region.

Length: 18:34 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] ABC Belarus on the release of the prisoners and the upcoming elections

On August 22, the Belarusian president Lukashenko signed papers to release all official political prisoners in the country. This includes the three anarchists that were still imprisoned. As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we talked with Anarchist Black Cross Belarus about their release and the upcoming elections among other things. You can find more information also in English on the website of ABC Belarus.

For security reasons, this interview has been re-recorded using our own voices.

Length: 5:18 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Please note that we are organizing an information event with a comrade from ABC Belarus in Berlin as part of a small ABC tour in Germany:
Berlin, 10 September 2015, 20:00, Friedel54 (Friedelstr. 54)
The presentation will be in English!

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Audio documentation: CrimethInc presentation in Prague 2015 – To Change Everything

++++++ Deutsch weiter unten ++++++++

Climate change, economic crisis, unrest from Sarajevo to Baltimore, and now the looming threat of war: the prevailing order is unsustainable in every way. Today, even the entrenched representatives of the status quo admit that it is necessary to change everything. But the best they can come up with is to appeal to the same authorities and values that caused these problems in the first place. What would it mean to change everything?

In this presentation, anarchists from across the world discuss the struggles that are unfolding around the world and describe the anarchist alternative to lives of servitude and strife. This tour is part of a worldwide initiative by the CrimethInc. collective supporting a free multimedia introduction to anarchism in 20 languages.

As Anarchist Radio Berlin (aradio.blogsport.de), we recorded this presentation at the Eastern European tour of “To Change Everything” at the Anarchist Bookfair in Prague, Czech Republic. After screening the campaign video, the presentation of the two comrades began, followed by an interesting dicussion.

Length: 58 min

We have two versions so far, one with a short English introduction, one with a short German introduction. The presentation and the discussion are completely in English.

You’ll find the English language video and the brochure on this project here.

Here’s the version with an introduction in English at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

++++++ Auf Deutsch +++++++++

Vortrag und Diskussion sind auf Englisch. In dieser Version ist die Anmoderation auf Deutsch. Video und Borschüre zur Kampagne finden sich hier auf Deutsch.

Hier ist die Version mit einer Anmoderation auf Deutsch unter: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr das Audio direkt anhören:

Additional links:

* CrimethInc collective (English)
* Eastern European Tour on “To Change Everything”

Internationale anarchistische Radiosendung: Voices of Anarchism

Internationale anarchistische Radiosendung: Voices of Anarchism

Sonntag, 5. April 2015 // 14:00 – 18:00 (MEZ)

Am Sonntag, dem 5. April 2015, werden die Teilnehmer*innen des Internationalen Treffens Anarchistischer Radios, das zurzeit in Ljubljana, der Hauptstadt Sloweniens, vom 2. bis zum 5. April stattfindet, eine vierstündige Live-Sendung organisieren, die per Live-Streaming im Internet empfangbar sein wird.

Die Sendung wird im Studio des unabhängigen Radiosenders Radio Student in Ljubljana produziert werden.

Ihr könnt die Sendung über die folgenden Links mithören:

* Radio Student: Voices of Anarchism
* Direktlink zum Livestream

In der Sendung wird es um viele Themen gehen. Die Teilnehmer*innen aus Slowenien, Serbien, Griechenland, Österreich, Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich werden etwas über ihre Radioprojekte erzählen, über das Treffen an sich, aber auch über die Aktivitäten anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Bewegungen ebenso wie über die weiteren sozialen Bewegungen auf lokaler Ebene. Bspw. soll es um den Hungerstreik und die sozialen Kämpfe gegen Staat und Kapital in Griechenland gehen, um die Polizeirazzien und die Repression in Spanien, die Erfahrungen während der Blockupy-Proteste und die Mobilisierung zum G7-Gipfel in Deutschland – und um viele andere Themen. Es wird auch Ankündigungen geben zu kommende Events aus der weltweiten anarchistischen Bewegung geben: Buchmessen, Proteste, Workshops und Treffen. In der Sendung werden auch Leute aus anderen Teilen Europas und auch den Amerikas zu Wort kommen, die nicht die Möglichkeit hatten, am Treffen teilzunehmen, und so ihre Ideen, Vorschläge und Infos weiterzugeben. Die Sendung ist noch in Vorbereitung (das findet während des Treffens statt), ihr könnt euch aber auf interessante Gespräche und viele Infos aus erster Hand freuen.

Helft uns, die Info zu dieser Online-Livesendung zu verbreiten, die an diesem Sonntag stattfinden wird. Leitet die Info bitte auf euren eigenen Kanälen weiter mit euren Genoss*innen und allen, die daran interessiert sein könnten.

Wenn ihr mehr Informationen benötigt oder vielleicht etwas vorshclagen möchtet, könnt ihr dies über die folgende Adresse tun:

* E-Mail: crnaluknja[at]radiostudent.si

Dies ist ein offener Prozess, so dass ihr herzlich zur Teilnahme eingeladen seid!

[A-Radio in English] Anarchist bookfairs and upcoming events in Europe

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we talked to comrades from Crna Luknja (Ljubljana), Radio Libertaire (Paris) and the Vrje Bond (Netherlands) about anarchist bookfairs in Spring 2015 and other upcoming events.

Besides several bookfairs, we also present you an international radio meeting in Slovenia or, for example, the Pinksterlanddagen camp in the Netherlands.

Length: 11:35 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:


[A-Radio in English] Greek anarchists on Syriza

After the Greek elections from January 25, 2015 the left party Syriza took over the government in a coalition with the national-conservative party of the Independent Greeks.

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we talked to comrades from Greece in order to learn more about what to expect from this new government, as anarchists but also as part of the autonomous and self-organization movements.

We can present you two audios that cover different aspects of how to look at the Greek situation today. One interview was made with Leonidas from the anarchist hip-hop collective Social Waste, the other with three members of the Athens-based Group of Libertarian Communists.

1) Audio based on an interview with Social Waste

Length: 10:04 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

2) Interview with members of GLC

Length: 17:33 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:


[A-Radio in English] Interview with Anarchist Black Cross Belarus on the repression, Ukraine and the refugees

In the context of the recent acute increase in repression in Belarus, the Anarchist Radio Berlin talked to Anarchist Black Cross Belarus about their work, the situation in the neighbouring country of Ukraine and the situation of refugees in Belarus. For security reasons we transcribed the original interview and re-recorded it ourselves.

Length: 10:53 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio in English] Art and Anarchism

We would like to present you an interview we made in Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana in September 2013. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the autonomous, cultural and political center Metelkova we had a small exchange of ideas on the topic of “Art and Anarchism” with a local comrade.

Length: 10:32 min


You can download the audio at: archive.org (mp3 | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Jake Conroy: from activist to terrorist (presentation and interview)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we documented a presentation by Jake Conroy: “From activist to terrorist”. He is an activist for animal liberation from the US, who participated in a campaign to close an animal testing laboratory and was prosecuted and sentenced as a terrorist. In this presentation he speaks of those events and his experiences. The presentation was organized by the Berlin Animal Liberation Action (Berliner Tierbefreiungsaktion).

Length: 59:10 min

Apart from that we also made an interview with him that is mostly centered on the US judicial system and his experiences with it.

Length: 11:20 min


We have two versions of the presentation so far, one with a short English introduction, one with a short German introduction. The presentation itself is always in English.

Here’s the version with an introduction in English at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Hier ist die Version mit einer Anmoderation auf Deutsch unter: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr das Audio direkt anhören:

Here’s the interview in English at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Das Interview auf Deutsch findet ihr im aktuellen Novemberrückblick 2014 des Libertären Podcast.

Additional links:

* BerTA – Berliner Tierrechtsaktion

Linktipp: Audio von der Anarcha-feministischen Konferenz in London (Okt2014)

Am Samstag, den 18.10., fand in London die jährliche London Anarchist Bookfair statt. Dieses Jahr gab es am Sonntag eine internationale anarcha-feministische Konferenz. Wir waren bei beiden Events dabei und werden auch noch Audiomaterial dazu veröffentlichen.

Jetzt möchten wir euch jedoch auf die Audiodokumentation unserer Freund*innen von e*vibes – einer feministischen Gruppe aus Dresden – aufmerksam machen, die auf der Konferenz einen Input zu “Gender and capitalism” gegeben haben und auch die anschließende Diskussion aufgenommen haben – wie sie selbst sagen: “inklusive Denglish, lustigen Missverständnissen und krasser Aufregung”.

Hört rein!

Hier schon mal ein paar Links zu Rückblicken auf das Event (auf Englisch):

* Von einer Organisatorin
* Von den Glasgow Anarchists
* Eine Storify-Zusammenstellung von Tweets des Tages

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Interview of Furia de Radio with Nicky Danesh on Anarchism in Iran (September 2014)

In the following we present an interview with Nicky Danesh, an Iranian anarchist living in exile in Australia, made by Furia de Radio in September 2014. Furia de Radio is an anarchist programme on 97 Irratia FM in Bilbao. It can be heard every Friday at 7pm in the Basque Country, or on mixcloud.com/FuriaDeRadio. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we have edited the English version of the interview from the original programme into a single segment and re-recorded the questions to help with its distribution.

Length: 12:40 min

You can download the audio at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Additional links:

* Original program
* Furia de Radio on Mixcloud
* Radio 97 Irratia FM

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Audio documentation – CrimethInc on Anarchism and Global Revolts (April 2014)

The following is an audio documentation of a CrimethInc presentation. This event took place in Berlin in April 17 of this year as part of the »Let’s make Anarchism a threat again. Anarchism and the New Global Revolts« tour. In this presentation CrimethInc tries to explain in its usual cheerful way why ever more uprisings are taking place in the last years, what this has to do with the concepts of policing, citizenship and democracy and what anarchism can offer. Enjoy!

Length: 1:05 h

We have two versions so far, one with a short English introduction, one with a short German introduction. The presentation itself is always in English.

Here’s the version with an introduction in English at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Hier ist die Version mit einer Anmoderation auf Deutsch unter: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr das Audio direkt anhören:

Additional links:

* CrimethInc collective (English)
* Blog zu “Make Anarchism a threat again” (Deutsch)

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Interview on the Anarchist Pinksterlanddagen Camp 2014

The Anarchist Radio Berlin (aradio.blogsport.de) made this interview in the end of August 2014 on the 80th anniversary of the Pinksterlanddagen Camp, an anarchist camp in the Netherlands that has taken place each year since the 1930s.

This is an English voice-over over the German original version.

Length: 8 min

Here’s the interview at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Additional links:

* Link to the camp (English)

[A-Radio auf Englisch] Europe and beyond: the resistance against mega-projects

We present an interview with Bogdan, an activist from Rumania. The main topic is the recent 4th Forum against unnecessary imposed mega-projects, a network of major struggles against infrastructure, mining and fracking projects (in Europe an beyond). The last meeting took place in May in Rosia Montana, Rumania. The preparation, the subject of the involvement of political parties in such movements as well as the future perspective of this particular coordination are at the heart of the interview, but it also gives a quick overview of the development of the local struggle against the proposed biggest open-cast gold mining project in Europe.

This is the English original version.

Length: 21:30 min

Here’s the interview at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Additional links:

* 3rd European Forum against unnecessary imposed mega-projects (in Stuttgart, Germany)
* 4th Forum against unnecessary imposed mega-projects (in Rosia Montana, Rumania)

[A-Radio auf Englisch]: Interview with Social Waste on HipHop and politics in Greece

[A-Radio auf Englisch]: Interview with Social Waste on HipHop and politics in Greece

We present an interview with the Greek Hip Hop collective Social Waste, who were on tour and performed in Berlin on the 6th of July 2014. Social Waste are involved in multiple, ongoing struggles in Greek. The group has been active since the late 1990s and they are engaged in providing a sociopolitical analysis through their music. In the interview, Leonidas, Yiannis, Yiorgis and Chris tell us about the history of Hip Hop in Greece, what motivates them to do music and how they produce it. They also tell us about current issues in Greece, concerning the crisis, its neoliberal management and the antifascist struggle.

This is the English original version.

Length: 24:30 min

Here’s the interview at: archive.org (mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to it directly:

Additional links:

* Social Waste’s website
* Music video of Social Waste mentioned in the interview (youtube)

[A-Radio auf Englisch]: Interview on Brazil before the World Cup 2014

We would like to present you an interview we made with a member of the Comité Popular da Copa in Sao Paulo, a coordination of groups and individuals against the FIFA World Cup and its negative effects. The interview goes into different topics, including the historical context of the Brazilian situation, the social protests since 2013 and obviously the World Cup.

This is a Spanish version with English voice-over.

Length: 32:09 min

Here’s the interview at: archive.org (mp3).

Here you can listen to it directly:

* Here a direct link to the Comité Popular da Copa in Sao Paulo.

[A-Radio auf Englisch]: Practical self-help – an abortion hotline in Chile

We present you an audio based on an interview in Santiago de Chile as well as other information.

The lesbians’ and women’s collective Linea Aborto Libre in Chile established an information hotline that can be reached daily and they published as well a corresponding handbook in order to support women who wish to perform an abortion at home. Chile is on of those countries where abortion is prohibited in all cases.

You can download the audio (8:27 min) here at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to the audio directly:


* Website of Linea Aborto Libre
* Handbook of Linea Aborto Libre (PDF, in Spanish)
* Pro Familia (PDF, in German)
* WHO handbook (PDF, in English)

Here you’ll find the Spanish original version.
And here you’ll find an German voice-over version of the same audio.


[A-Radio auf Englisch]: Interview with ABC Belarus 2014

We present an interview with a member of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Belarus about the anarchist prisoners in the country, the situation in Belarus and the neighbouring countries and the planned infotour through parts of Europe starting in April 2014.

This audio has been re-recorded with a different voice in order to protect the identity of the original speaker.

You can download the interview (9:25 min) here at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to the audio directly:

You can find all dates on the infotour of ABC Belarus in German at the webpage of the Federation of German-speaking Anarchists (FdA).

Here you’ll find the interview we made last year on this topic.

[A-Radio auf Englisch]: Interview on the uprising in Turkey

This is a ready to send audio interview in an American English translation and recording (from German original). This interview on the topics of the uprising in Turkey, its origins and perspectives as well as on the action form of the “standing man” has been made with a member of the Swiss-turkish anarchist group “Karakök Autonome“. The interview was conducted at the end of June 2013 and then translated by English speaking comrades.

There are two English language versions:

You can download the English only version (17:53 min) here at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to the audio directly:

You can download the German with English voice-over version (21:07 min) here at: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Here you can listen to the audio directly:

You’ll find the German original version here.

Zur Geschichte der Autonomen und dem 1. Mai in Berlin seit 1987

Nachdem die Di­stri­bu­ted-​Bru­te-​Force-​At­ta­cke auf Blogsport.de abgewendet ist, möchten wir euch gleich einen neuen Beitrag präsentieren: ein Interview zur Geschichte der Autonomen, des 1. Mai in Berlin seit 1987 und des Schwarzen Blocks.

Den Audiobeitrag auf Deutsch mit Voice-over auf Englisch (ca. 35 Minuten) könnt ihr ab sofort hier herunterladen: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr ihn direkt anhören:

Den Audiobeitrag auf Englisch (ca. 31 Minuten) könnt ihr ab sofort hier herunterladen: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr ihn direkt anhören:

Den Audiobeitrag auf Deutsch (ca. 34 Minuten) könnt ihr ab sofort hier herunterladen: archive.org (wav | mp3 | ogg).

Hier könnt ihr ihn direkt anhören:

Hier noch ein paar kurze Worte zur Entstehung. Continue reading →

Belarus und mehr: The Final Straw (Asheville, USA)

Aktuell bemühen wir uns sehr stark um Vernetzungen im libertären Radiobereich. Im Zuge dessen konnten wir über die letzten Monate einen engen Kontakt mit der libertären Sendung “The Final Straw” aus Asheville, North Carolina, USA, aufbauen.

Das Ganze trägt jetzt langsam Früchte: In der aktuellen Sendung ist Weißrussland das Thema der zweiten Hälfte, und zwar basierend auf unserem englischsprachigen Interview für unseren Belarus-Beitrag.

Hier könnt ihr die Sendung direkt anhören:

Hier das EN-Interview:

Jeremy Hammond

Im ersten Teil der Sendung geht es hingegen um Jeremy Hammond, einem Aktivisten, dem eine Zusammenarbeit mit Anonymous beim Leaken von Stratfor-Daten an WikiLeaks vorgeworfen wird und der nun seit einem Jahr inhaftiert ist.