The Anarchist Radio Network just released the episode number 4 (09/2017) of its international news show „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“!
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Episode Nummer 4 (09/2017) von „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“, der englischsprachigen, monatlichen News-Sendung des International Netwerks anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, mit kurzen Beiträgen aus aller Welt. Länge: 47 min
* 98fm: Aktionen und Repression von Arbeiter*innen und Student*innen, Antifa-Jahrestag in ganz Griechenland
* 105fm: Kämpfe von Migrant*innen, Widerstand gegen faschistische Angriffe, Gewalt gegen Frauen und andere Themen aus Lesbos
* Radio Kurruf: Widestand gegen und die Gefahren des Frackings
* Rosas Negras: Gewalt gegen Personen aus der Zivilgesellschaft und Journalist*innen insbesondere in El Salvador
* A-Radio Berlin: Das Regierungsverbot der linken Info-Plattform linksunten indymedia in Deutschland
* Dissident Island: Widerstand von der Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) bis zur DSEI-Waffenmesse in London
* The Final Straw: selbstorganisierte Katastrophenhilfe im Angesich der Hurricanes
This is episode number 4 (09/2017) of „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world. Length: 47 min
* 98fm: action and repression in labor, student struggles, anti-fascist anniversaries around Greece
* 105fm: immigration struggles, resisting fascist attacks, gender violence and other topics from Lesvos
* Radio Kurruf: resistance to and dangers of liquified natural gas
* Rosas Negras: violence against civil society and journalists in particular in El Salvador
* A-Radio Berlin: the government ban of the leftist info platform linksunten indymedia in Germany
* Dissident Island: resistance from the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) to the London DSEI arms fair
* The Final Straw: autonomous Hurricane relief
You can download the short introduction to the idea of Bad News at: (wav | mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
Episode 4 (September 2017):
Length: 47 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
Episode 3 (August 2017):
Length: 37 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
Episode 2 (July 2017):
Length: 53 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
Episode 1 (June 2017):
Length: 47 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly: