The Anarchist Radio Network just released the third episode of its international news show „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“!
+++++++++ English below +++++++++++
Episode Nummer 3 von „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“, der englischsprachigen, monatlichen News-Sendung des International Netwerks anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, mit kurzen Beiträgen aus aller Welt.
* Radio Kurruf (Chile): Zum Nationalen Kinderdienst in Chile
* 98FM (Griechenland): Updates zum Widerstand gegen die staatliche Repression gegen politische Aktvist*innen
* The Final Straw (USA): Zu den „Grand Juries“ aktuell in den USA
* A-Radio Berlin: Das Verschwindenlassen von Santiago Maldonado und der Kampf der Mapuche in Argentinien um das sch im Besitz von Benetton befindliche Land
* Dissident Island (GB): Das Thema der Abtreibung in Irland + Updates von den Anti-Fracking-Protesten in Lancashire
This is episode number 3 of „B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world“, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
* Radio Kurruf: Government social care projects
* 98FM: Update on resistances to state repression of political actvists
* The Final Straw: Grand juries in the US
* A-Radio Berlin: The disappearance of Santiago Maldonado and the Mapuche struggle in Argentina to reclaim Benetton-owned land
* Dissident Island: Issue of abortion on the island of Ireland + update from anti-fracking protest in Lancashire
You can download the short introduction to the idea of Bad News at: (wav | mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
Episode 3 (August 2017):
Length: 37 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
Episode 2 (July 2017):
Length: 53 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly:
* Radiozones Of Subversive Expressions, 98FM in Athens: Recent threats of attack by the Telecommunications authority for the possibly benefit of a private, pirate radio station
* 105fm: Resistance to a rape by a security guard at University of the Aegean
* The Final Straw: August 19th Prisoner solidarity activities against slavery in the U.S. & information on the suppression of 214 inauguration protesters arrested in D.C. on January 20th, 2017 & the week of solidarity with J20 arrestees from July 20-27th.
* Rosas Negras: Social activism for the defense of Trans-gendered people in El Salvador
* Dissident Island: Segments from recent episodes: 10th anniversary, Peter Gelderloos, housing activism in the UK, homeless âaidâ
* Radio Kurruf: Killing of two mapuche at the hands of a cop in Wallmapu
* A-Radio Berlin: Eviction of Friedel54 in Berlin and resistance in Hamburg against the G20 Summit
Episode 1 (June 2017):
Length: 47 min
You can download the audio at: (mp3 | ogg).
Here you can listen to it directly: